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Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology (JACEIT)
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Ruang lingkup Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology (JACEIT) adalah : 1. Struktur mencakup penerapan mekanika teknik seperti pada penerapan struktur beton, baja, kayu, dan komposit. Termasuk penerapan dalam rekayasa gempa suatu bangunan gedung dan jembatan. 2. Manajemen Konstruksi. Bidang manajemen konstruksi mencakup dalam penerapan optimalisasi estimasi biaya, penjadwalan proyek, manajemen proyek, analisa dokumen tender/lelang, penentuan kelayakan ekonomi suatu proyek, semua hal yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan perizinan bangunan hingga pengorganisasian pekerjaan di lapangan sehingga diharapkan bangunan tersebut selesai tepat waktu. 3. Material Maju. Bidang material maju merupakan suatu terapan inovasi untuk mencari material konstruksi bahan bangunan yang memiliki keterbaruan baik dari segi keawetan, keringanan, kekuatan/mutu, dan keekonomisan yang mampu diterapkan di dalam suatu konstruksi bangunan sipil. 4. Hidroteknik dan Sumber Daya Air. Bidang hidroteknik dan sumber daya air mencakup bidang teknik sipil keairan seperti penerapan hidrologi dalam memprediksi perubahan iklim dan cuaca, menganalisa aliran permukaan dan air bawah tanah serta menganalisa besaran muatan sedimen dan hidrograf banjirnya serta permasalahan-permasalahannya. Untuk penerapan hidrolika dalam menganalisa bangunan keairan seperti perencanaan bangunan waduk, embung, kolam retensi, bendung, bendungan, saluran drainase, bangunan dan saluran irigasi, bangunan pelindung sungai, normalisasi sungai. Sedangkan bidang sumber daya air mencakup penerapan optimalisasi dan manajemen sumber daya air untuk diterapkan di pertanian, perkebunan dan kehutanan, serta dalam menganalisa konservasi air dan tanah serta bangunan konservasinya. 5. Bidang geoteknik ini mencakup struktur dan sifat berbagai macam tanah dan batuan dalam menopang suatu bangunan yang akan berdiri di atasnya. Cakupannya dapat berupa investigasi lapangan yang merupakan penyelidikan keadaan-keadaan tanah suatu daerah, penyelidikan laboratorium serta perencanaan konstruksi tanah dan batuan, seperti: timbunan (embankment), galian (excavation), terowongan tanah lunak (soft soil tunnel), terowongan batuan (rock/mountain tunnel), bendungan tanah/batuan (earth dam, rock fill dam), dan lain-lain. 6. Bidang transportasi mencakup sistem transportasi dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaannya. Cakupan bidang ini antara lain konstruksi dan pengaturan jalan raya, jalan rel, konstruksi bandar udara, terminal, stasiun, pelabuhan dan manajemennya. 7. Teknik Lingkungan. Bidang teknik lingkungan mencakup permasalahan-permasalahan dan isu lingkungan. Cakupan bidang ini antara lain penyediaan sarana dan prasarana air bersih, pengelolaan limbah dan air kotor, pencemaran sungai, pencemaran air tanah, polusi suara dan udara hingga teknik penyehatan serta kualitas air. 8. Pemetaan / Geomatika/ Penginderaan Jauh. Bidang ini mencakup penerapan suatu pemetaan hasil ukur tanah terhadap pemecahan suatu permasalahan kondisi geografis muka bumi baik itu melalui citra satelit, dan penginderaan jauh. Salah satunya dengan penerapan analisa Sistem Informasi Geografis dan perangkat aplikasi lainnya. 9. Rekayasa Teknologi Infrastruktur. Bidang ini merupakan penerapan keilmuan ketekniksipilan dalam merancangbangun infrastruktur dan penerapan teknologi infrastruktur dalam suatu pembangunan yang berkesinambungan yang berwawasan lingkungan.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022" : 6 Documents clear
Perbandingan BIM Dengan Konvensional Pada Hasil BQ Proyek X Wilona Benita Megawati; Hari Purwanto
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.247


The construction industry is one of the industries that are being developed in Indonesia, this is evident from the many ongoing projects, both building projects and roads and bridges. Competition in construction requires construction services to complete projects in the shortest time and at the most efficient cost possible. Before making a cost budget for the project, the volume calculation of each work to be carried out will be made and packaged in a Bill of Quantity. However, in reality there are many estimates that can enlarge the results of the Bill of Quantity calculation process so that it is not efficient. Therefore, along with the development of technology in the world of construction, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) was created which can contain all the information in a development project in 3-dimensional form. Based on this, the author will compare the results of the Bill of Quantity on the conventional method with the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method on Figure for Construction using Autodesk Revit software. Based on research conducted, Bill of Quantity using the BIM method produces a higher volume of 1.24% for concrete and 1.14% for reinforcement than Conventional method. This is due to a lack of accuracy in conventional volume calculations, so the resulting volume is inaccurate.
Perbandingan Kapasitas Struktur Cermaton yang Diubah Menjadi Pile Slab Terhadap Beban Rencana Muhammad Andika Pratama Putra; Andi Indianto
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.390


One of the bridges on the Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road section 1a project with the longest span is the Cisadane Bridge, which will employ a PCI Girder superstructure with a length of 50.8 meters. The approach road structure for the Cisadane Bridge was originally intended to employ Cermaton with a soil pile that was 6–8 m high. However, during construction, the design of the approach road changed from Cermaton to pile slab. In order to determine which structure is the most suitable for use, it is required to assess its performance. The SAP2000 program was used to check the bearing capacity of the foundation, the settlement that took place, and the structural capacity against seismic loads as part of the evaluation that was done as a result of changes in the structural design. The study results for structural design change demonstrated that the Cermaton was not superior to the pile slab since the Cermaton's decrease, which was 11.3 mm as opposed to 1.06 mm for the pile slab, was substantially greater. For an analysis of earthquake loads using SAP2000 software, it was found that Cermaton is not strong enough to withstand earthquake loads, while the pile slab is strong enough to withstand earthquake loads because the capacity of the pile slab is still adequate.
Analisis Daya Dukung Pondasi Spun Pile Dievaluasi Dengan Kalendering Dan PDA Rahma Nur Fadilla; Andikanoza Pradiptiya
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.394


In a bridge construction project, there are two types of structures, namely the superstructure and the substructure. The foundation is part of the substructure that functions as the main support and the most important part that greatly affects the stability of the building above it. In foundation design, it is required to calculate the bearing capacity. The bearing capacity of the foundation can be predicted based on soil investigation data which compared by actual field dynamic test data. Dynamic test is carried out to determine the actual bearing capacity after pile installation. This research aims to predict of spun pile bearing capacity and settlement based on N-SPT data, then evaluated by dynamic test (PDA and calendering) at “X” Toll Road Construction Project. Moreover, an evaluation of the axial bearing capacity of single and group piles will be carried out against the workloads. The results shows that prediction of the bearing capacity closest to the PDA data using Luciano Decourt Method (1987) around 309.45 tons with a difference of 4.20% each other. Calendering analysis by Gates Method found that 301.46 tons with a difference of 50.8% against the prediction. The prediction of immediate settlement is obtained of 26.79 mm smaller than PDA result and a difference of 13.30%. The results of the evaluation of the axial bearing capacity of single and group piles against workloads show that both the predicted and actual (PDA and calendering) bearing capacity is greater than the workload.
Studi Karakteristik Marshall Pada Aspal Dengan Perbandingan Lateks Pada Lapisan Wearing Course Lina Flaviana Tilik
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.407


Asphalt concrete is one type of flexible pavement construction pavement. Asphalt concrete mixture consists of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate with asphalt as a binder. The availability of bitumen usually comes from the petroleum refining process, but it is getting thinner day by day, and the availability of crude oil contained in the bowels of the earth is also decreasing. The above problems finally opened the idea of developing polymer-modified asphalt by adding additives or replacing part of the asphalt with polymer materials to achieve the goal of reducing asphalt without compromising quality. Expected to improve performance. One of the materials that can be used is natural elastomer, namely natural rubber in the form of latex or latex rubber. The use of latex as a substitute for asphalt concrete is expected to be a new alternative to improve the performance of road pavements and can be a solution for road pavement structures to withstand heavy vehicle loads and withstand changes in natural conditions, so that construction is expected to last a long time. for a long time. The results of this test obtained the optimum asphalt content of 6.5%. With an optimum asphalt content of 6.5%, the value of VIM: 3.513%, VMA: 15.090% VFA: 74.223, Stability: 1658.032, Flow: 3.531 Marshall Quantient: 469,564. All characteristic values of the AC-WC mixture at 6.5% asphalt content met the 2010 technical specifications.
Pembuatan Material Sandwich Panel Sebagai Pengganti Konstruksi Geladak Kapal Kayu di Wilayah Madura Windra Iswidodo
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.409


Sandwich panels are a combination of two wooden plates separated by a core. The benefits of using this specimen are still not maximized, only limited to non-structural use in the manufacture of wooden ships. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of sandwich panel specimens using the casting method and the hand layup method. The results of the density test of the casting method have a better value with a value of 1.11 grams/cm³ while pure wood has a density value of 1.21 grams/cm³. The bending strength results from the hand layup method have a better value with a value of 1299.7 N/mm² while pure wood has a bending strength value of 619.7 N/mm². This study concludes that sandwich panel specimens can replace pure wood.
Penggunaan Abu Batu Sebagai Pengganti Sebagian Material Pasir Budiman; James WTP
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v3i2.418


The concrete industry in Indonesia is very advanced and developing, so the use of construction materials is increasing. Another material is needed as a substitute for fine aggregate for the manufacture of concrete, namely stone ash from the waste stone industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and value of the compressive strength of concrete characteristics with the use of rock ash with mixed variations (10% rock ash, 90% sand), (20% rock ash, 80% sand) and (30% rock ash, 70% sand). with a concrete quality target of Fc' 17.5 Mpa. The method used is the laboratory experimental method referring to the SNI standard. The results showed that the use of stone ash (AB) as a normal concrete mixture affected the compressive strength of concrete. The higher the percentage of stone ash (AB), then the value of the compressive strength of concrete increases. The value of the compressive strength of concrete from rock ash (AB) at the composition of AB 10%, AB 20% and AB 30% was 173.50 kg/cm2, 235.11 kg/cm2 and 239.88 kg/cm2 while normal concrete was 18.59 MPa at the age of 28 days.

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